M2M/IoT mobile terminals for Industry 4.0 solutions
LTE data terminals, gateways and industrial routers

Mobile data terminals

Our mobile radio-based data terminals are designed for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. Typical applications are IP-based data exchange and the sending of SMS and e-mail messages. In addition, the MC92 alarm terminal has the possibility to react to status changes via inputs and outputs.

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MC100 Mobilfunk Data Terminals/Gateways

The MC100 product family is an industrial-grade, Linux-based cellular multifunction platform. The range of applications extends from the simple Ethernet data terminal to the freely programmable multifunction gateway with sensor interfaces for remote monitoring and remote maintenance.

Mobile Router/LAN-Router

Our LTE and LAN routers allow access to your assets via secure tunnels through the Internet as if these assets were directly inside your corporate network; thus predictive maintenance, process monitoring or optimized production control can be easily enabled.

“Conceived in Germany, made in Germany”

From the idea to the design to series production – all our appliances are “Made in Germany”.

We recommend the M2M SIM from wherever SIM

  • Always the strongest mobile network on site.
  • Easy mobile data transmission for IoT applications.
  • Secure and reliable, in Europe and worldwide.

Test M2M SIM free of charge




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